We understand that many companies may have chosen VSphere as their virtualisation platform due to its promises of economies of scale and reduced hardware needs. However, the cost of supporting this environment can be prohibitive.
What seemed like an excellent investment in virtualisation then becomes a support headache as staff struggle to learn how to manage the system. In IT people move on – and so does their expertise. All the knowledge is lost and the small company IT operation is forced to self-teach, manage with online manuals or simple hope the system does not go wrong.
Many consultancies charge exorbitant fees for what are sometimes simple solutions or sharing of knowledge. They may charge up to £800 per day and not deliver the solution you are looking for.
We offer a simple, low cost solution for small businesses that find themselves in this predicament. Our approach is simple and down to earth, we’ll get straight to the problem, make practical recommendations and agree an outcome.
Simply put, we’re easy to engage with and our solutions are highly cost effective – if you have made an investment in VMware technology we can help.

VMware/VSphere support costs
Hourly rate £90 per hour (fully inclusive)
Areas covered
Berkshire/West London